Deploy Python/Django app as Docker container on's Public Cloud

Author: aashutosh

Updated: 9 Mar 2023 12:41 p.m.

Tags: #Python #Django #Docker #Cloud

Summary : Deploy a full stack Python Django application as a Docker container image on Platform as a Service (PaaS) Public Cloud . Connect a Postgres Database running on to Django app.

Fly Cloud transforms docker container images into and run as Firecracker (open source virtualization technology) micro-VM on bare metal servers across Data centers.


Step 1:  Install flyctl
curl -L | sh

brew install flyctl

powershell -Command "iwr -useb | iex"


Step 2:  Change directory to Django project
cd django-project-directory


Step 3:  Copy Python Package dependency list to requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt


Step 4:    Configure Django app with flyctl launch

fly launch

>fly launch
Update available 0.0.442 -> v0.0.472.
Run "fly.exe version update" to upgrade.
Creating app in C:\Softwares\django\app\aashutosh
Scanning source code
Detected a Django app
? Overwrite "C:\Softwares\django\app\aashutosh\.dockerignore"? Yes
? Overwrite "C:\Softwares\django\app\aashutosh\Dockerfile"? No
? Choose an app name (leave blank to generate one): aashutosh
automatically selected personal organization: Aashutosh Kumar
? Choose a region for deployment: Hong Kong, Hong Kong (hkg)
Created app quasartech in organization personal
Admin URL:
Set secrets on aashutosh: SECRET_KEY
Creating database migrations
Wrote config file fly.toml
? Would you like to set up a Postgresql database now? No
? Would you like to set up an Upstash Redis database now? No
Your Django app is almost ready to deploy!
We recommend using the database_url(pip install dj-database-url) to parse the DATABASE_URL from os.environ['DATABASE_URL']
For detailed documentation, see


fly launch scan & detect source code automatically as a Djnago app and create two files with settings configured for deploying Djangi application: 

  1. fly.toml  : contains configuration details like below to run as Django app on container/Micro VM, modify it suit your needs, but it comes with default setting required to deploy Django app. 

  1. Dockerfile


Step 5: Deploy App
flyctl deploy

fly deploy will build the image from Dockerfile and push it on

Deploy Django app using fly deploy, this command will build the image using information/steps from Dockerfile, and will push the image to and run the application using settings from fly.toml

Once deployment is successful, Django app can be accessed online

Step 6: Open App

Browse to  (
use fly open command to launch browser to 

fly open
Step 7: Attach a Postgres Database to Django application on
flyctl postgres attach --app <your-app-name> <postgres-db-name>
flyctl postgres attach --app aashutosh aashu-postgres


Step 8: ssh into Fly app instance console
flyctl ssh console